So can you really have it all? In a word, no. But can you be a fulfilled person? Of course!

Here's what happens when you try to have it all: I've been very blessed to have had several jobs, and over the past couple of years, I had three jobs at one point. Along with my hubby and a baby and a big family and a church family and a home to keep up. I know you're thinking "Wow this girl is crazy!" and you'd be correct. You see, I've always thought that "having it all" meant you have to be involved in everything, always busy, have too much to do, and be contributing something in every corner of the galaxy. First of all, that never works out too well. Someone will inevitably be disappointed or left behind (most of the time my poor husband and recently my son), being on time for anything becomes really hard, and with such a tight schedule, if anything gets thrown off, the you-know-what hits the fan. Not exactly fulfilling, huh? It was more like a constant stream of stress and conflict.

Get me out of here!

I'd always get into something and then get in over my head, and start desperately searching for a way out. Does this sound anything like you? Whether it's three jobs, one job and too many pots on the stove, or being a stay at home parent and trying to be too involved with everything from PTA to the next 10K run (more power to you!), we all want to impress others and have it all and be on top of everything. We try to be Super Mom!

Here's a hint: That totally doesn't work! I'm still fighting this lesson, and still learning the hard way myself! I just recently had to punt a great idea that would have been a fun project, but would have been yet another commitment. I was going to work with children and music (what joy!, I'm serious!) It was heart-wrenching, but I've been between that rock and a hard place so many times in the past couple of years that I knew if I took it on, I'd be stuck once again trying to be too many things to too many people. I got a clear "NO" from my dear Lord and Savior, who keeps saving me from myself.

In today's world the possibilities are endless--but that's not always a good thing. This can be staggering, even paralyzing as we struggle to figure out where we should be in life, always gauging our success against others, and always having that nagging feeling that we're missing out.

Stop the madness!

Here is today's challenge: Think of one area in your life that is actually fulfilling right at this very moment. Jot down a few things about that area of your life that you just love, that energize you, that give you joy. Leave a comment here about that area. Let's see how many cool things in our lives we can think of!

Today's verse: Psalm 37:4 "Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart."

    Who am I?

    I'm just me. I'm who God created me to be. And I'm learning every day even more what that means. I'm a child of God first, and then I'm a wife of the most genuine, caring man I've ever met, and mommy to an impossibly precious little boy. I'm a daughter, a sister, a friend, and also a perpetual pursuer of God's vision for my life. Because I believe that if I pursue this calling first and foremost, then all other priorities will fall into place. It's a hungry restlessness that comes from the peace of knowing I'm saved by the grace of God and the sacrifice of His Son. Join my journey, and let it encourage you in yours!


    November 2013
    August 2013


    Discerning Truth
    Personal Fulfillment
    Super Mom